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In 1994, the year was hot, and when picking for a Cap Classique, we could not pick fast enough – the sugar was too high and a plan was foiled. The hopes of Founder Achim von Arnim were low but in the glass, magic happened – serendipity emerged. Passion was affirmed, and the iconic blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir was born, the blend that nobody had heard of in a still wine. They tasted it, they experienced joy and they fell in love. We are extremely proud to have introduced South Africa to this blend.

Haute Cabrière Chardonnay Pinot Noir

SKU: hauteCab ChardPinotNoir
  • Enjoy fresh citrus flavours underpinned by white peach and red fruit, with balanced acidity which works well in food and wine pairings.

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